Gallery of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine
Sharon is out of Control: It's Time to Stop the US Support for Israeli Aggression By Hassan A. El-Najjar 3/30/02 The UN Security Council has convened all last night before voting on a resolution (1402) that requires Israel to withdraw from Palestinian cities. The US has threatened to veto the resolution if it includes a timeframe for that withdrawal. This means that the US is shielding the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people. It also means allowing the Israeli occupation forces to continue killing, injuring, and arresting Palestinians and demolishing their institutions. It means that the US approves of the Israelis siege of the Palestinian President and the rest of the Palestinian leaders inside their houses or offices in Ramallah. This US position in the UN Security Council has come as a result of the lack of US foreign policy in the Middle East. President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of State Colin Powell all have reiterated literally what Sharon says. Moreover, Israeli weapons are American-made weapons, from Apache helicopters to F-16s and the ammunition used by Israeli soldiers. The meals Israeli soldiers eat and the gas they use in their tanks are paid for through the annual American aid to Israeli, which reaches about $4 billion. Is this support for Israel in its continuous naked aggression against the Palestinian people in the interest of the United States? What did the Palestinian people do against the United States that has warranted all this US hostility toward them? The Israeli pretext, suicide bombing, is a reaction of individuals to the Israeli occupation. Does it justify torturing and humiliating a whole nation for 35 years? The whole world is waiting for leadership, an American administration that stops its unlimited support for Israeli aggression and tells Israelis to leave Palestinians alone. I hope that the world will not wait forever. It's time to stop the US support for Israeli aggression. It has gone too far. It has allowed Sharon to be out of control. Dr. Hassan A. El-Najjar is the Editor of and author of "The Gulf War: Overreaction & Excessiveness." (2001).