Opinion Editorials, April 2004, To see today's opinion articles, click here: ww.www.beebeeblog.com |
Human Price of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine Israeli daily aggression on the Palestinian people Mission and meaning of Al-Jazeerah Cities, localities, and tourist attractions
Sacrifice and Physical Restrictions Adil Salahi Arab News, 5/2/04 Q.1. In my home country, a person who intends to offer the sacrifice at the time of the Eid observes some restrictions such as refraining from cutting his hair or clipping his nails until the sacrifice is made. Please comment. Q.2. Should some drops of urine fall on one抯 clothes, how to clean them for joining prayers in the mosque, particularly if one is out at the time. S. Rahmat, Pakistan A.1. It is recommended for a person who has made his clear intention to offer the sacrifice to observe these restrictions from the beginning of the month of Dhul Hijjah until the sacrifice is made. He is simply required not to take anything off his hair or body. Hence, the restrictions are not to cut his hair or clip his nails. If he makes his intention after the beginning of the month, he begins to observe these restrictions from that time. Should he violate these rules, deliberately or out of forgetfulness, he prays for God抯 forgiveness. He does not have to make any compensation. A.2. An important condition for the validity of prayers is to be in a state of purity, in body, clothes and the place where one is praying. Urine is an impurity. Hence, should it drop over one抯 body or clothes, it should be washed off before one can pray. If it falls on one抯 clothes, the best way to remove the impurity is to wait until it is dry, then pour water over the spot or the area where it had fallen. It is enough that the area is soaked. It is not necessary to wash the whole garment. Only the spot or the area that has been contaminated. If one cannot wait for the garment to dry, he removes the impurity by pouring a larger amount of water over the contaminated area. What to Say in Tawaf Q. What exactly should one say during the tawaf and sa抜e as one performs the Umrah? Y. Ahmad, London A. There are numerous books and manuals explaining every action or duty that the pilgrimage and the Umrah involve. Many of these provide samples of prayers and glorifications of God that are recommended to repeat during these major worship duties. Some manuals even include special prayers for each round of tawaf and sa抜e. Most of these are fine. However, there is nothing obligatory or particularly recommended, other than praising God and glorifying Him, or reading from the Qur抋n. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says: 揟he best that I and the prophets before me have said is: 揟here is no deity other than God, the One who has no partners. All sovereignty belongs to Him and all praise is due to Him. He has power over all things.挃 In Arabic, this reads: La ilaha illa Allah; wahdahu la shareeka lah; lahu al-mulk wa lahu al-hamd; wa huwa ala kulli shayin qadeer. Apart from this, any glorification and praise of God and blessing of His messenger, and any supplication for oneself, parents, family and the Muslim community is fine.
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